Tung Chung New Town

Lantau Island is the biggest island in Hong Kong with the total area of 140 sq. km. The natural scenery in Lantau is mostly retained.

More than 20000 people live on Lantau Island, and most of them inhabit in Mui Wo, Tai O, Tung Chung and scatter along the southern coast. Among them, Tung Chung is the most prosperous town. With the International Airport and its coordination facilities, visitors can take a bus or the mass transit railway and reach the heartland of Lantau from the city center.

Lantau Island has been going through a rapid change for the past decade. Tung Chung has already been developed into a new satellite city from a quiet farming village. Disneyland and Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre are built at Penny's Bay area. Apart from that, after Ngong Ping 360 is opened in mid-2006, this cable car system that travels directly to Tian Tan Big Buddha allows tourists to travel between Tung Chung and Ngong Ping terminals in 20-25 minutes.

Today, Tung Chung is the Gateway to Hong Kong.

Tung Chung New Town Journey
Hong Kong Basic Construction Tour

Artwalk->Bauhinia Education Path->Citygate->Hong Kong International Airport->Tsing Ma Bridge
